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What is Biltong?

What is Biltong?

What is Biltong? Unveiling the South African Snack's Secrets

Have you ever stumbled upon a snack that's both nutritious and irresistibly tasty? Let's delve into the world of biltong, a South African treasure that's capturing the hearts of food enthusiasts across the globe, including here in the UK. Biltong isn't just any dried meat; it's a unique, flavour-packed delicacy that stands out in the crowded world of snacks.

Originating from the need to preserve meat in the harsh South African climate, biltong has evolved from a survival food into a gourmet snack with a rich cultural heritage. We'll explore what makes biltong so special, how it's made, and why it might just be your next favourite snack. Whether you're a curious foodie or someone looking for healthier snack alternatives, understanding biltong is a journey worth taking.

At a glance

  • Rich Cultural Heritage: Biltong originated in South Africa as a method for preserving meat using natural spices and vinegar, reflecting the culinary traditions of early settlers and indigenous tribes.
  • Nutritional Benefits: High in protein and low in carbohydrates, biltong is an excellent snack for muscle building, weight management, and those following a ketogenic diet.
  • Distinctive Flavour Profile: Unlike jerky, biltong is marinated in a vinegar-based solution and seasoned with spices like coriander, contributing to its unique, robust flavour.
  • Versatile Culinary Uses: Biltong is not only a nutritious snack but also versatile in cooking; it can be used to enhance salads, pizzas, and even baked into savoury muffins.
  • Quality and Selection: When choosing biltong, consider the freshness, flavour variations, and the reputation of the brand to ensure a high-quality, authentic product.
  • Proper Storage: To maintain the best quality and flavour, store biltong in a cool, dry place, away from moisture and light, using airtight containers or sealed bags.

What Is Biltong?

Biltong, a South African snack, continues to capture the attention of culinary enthusiasts and health-conscious consumers alike. This section dives into the detailed aspects of biltong's origins and production process.

The Origins of Biltong

Biltong originated as a practical solution to the need for preserving meat in South Africa's demanding climates. Dating back to the early settlers and indigenous tribes, they crafted a method to dry meat in a way that would not only preserve it but also imbue it with robust flavours. Spices such as coriander, black pepper, and cloves, along with vinegar, were used to season the meat before the drying process. This method efficiently utilised the natural resources available and reflected the culinary traditions of the region.

The Making Process

The process of making biltong begins with selecting high-quality meat, typically beef, which is then cut into thick strips. These strips are marinated in a mixture of vinegar and spices, a critical step that flavours the meat and initiates the curing process. After marinating, the meat is hung to dry in a controlled environment. Modern techniques involve using drying rooms where temperature and humidity are carefully managed to ensure consistent quality. The drying period can last from a few days to several weeks, depending on the desired thickness and texture.

In each of these steps, precision and tradition blend to create biltong's distinctive taste and texture, which distinguishes it from other dried meats and underscores its growing appeal among diverse audiences worldwide.

Nutritional Benefits

Following its rich history and unique production process, biltong not only offers culinary enjoyment but also significant nutritional advantages. Emphasising the nutritional profile of biltong can offer insights into why this South African delicacy is becoming a popular choice in diet-conscious communities.

Protein Content and Health Benefits

Biltong is exceptionally high in protein, making it a powerful snack for muscle building and repair. Typically, a 28-gram serving of biltog contains about 16 grams of protein. High protein intake is crucial for muscle growth, tissue repair, and the production of enzymes and hormones. Moreover, because it's lean meat, biltong also provides a source of essential amino acids without added fats, aligning with the needs of individuals pursuing strength training or bodybuilding.

Protein is not only beneficial for muscle repair but also for weight management, as it can help in feeling fuller for longer. This satiety can reduce cravings and decrease overall calorie intake, making biltong an excellent snack for weight loss strategies.

Low-Carb and Keto-Friendly

For those on low-carb or ketogenic diets, biltong provides an ideal snacking option. It contains minimal to no carbohydrates, ensuring that it meets the requirements of carb restriction needed to maintain a state of ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates, and it is the goal for those following a keto diet.

The very low carb content in biltong makes it a suitable and convenient snack for those adhering to these dietary restrictions without compromising taste or nutritional value. Its portability and long shelf life further enhance its appeal as a go-to keto snack. Biltong’s compatibility with low-carb and ketogenic nutritional principles ensures that it is a practical choice for maintaining dietary adherence while enjoying flavorful snacking.

Biltong vs. Jerky: Spotting the Differences

Navigating the subtleties between biltong and jerky unveils unique distinctions in taste, ingredients, and preparation methods. While both are popular dried meat snacks, the nuances between them cater to different palates and culinary cultures.

Ingredients and Taste

Biltong and jerky differ notably in their ingredients and taste profiles. Biltong traditionally uses vinegar, salt, coriander, black pepper, and sometimes sugar; this combination not only cures the meat but also infuses it with a distinct, robust flavour. The use of vinegar, a potent antimicrobial agent, helps tenderize and flavour the meat deeply.

Jerky, on the other hand, often omits vinegar in favour of a drier rub or marinate using salt, sugar, and a variety of seasonings and smoke flavourings. The taste of jerky is typically smokier and can be saltier, influenced heavily by its curing process and the additional flavourings used.

Coriander is the iconic spice that dominates the flavour of traditional biltong, giving it a slightly aromatic taste, whereas jerky may incorporate a broader palette of flavours, including hot, sweet, and teriyaki variants, for examples.

Preparation Methods

The preparation process further differentiates biltong from jerky. Biltong's preparation involves marinating strips of meat in a vinegar-based solution before seasoning them with spices. After marinating, the meat is hung to air-dry for several days. This method allows a gentle drying process where air circulation is crucial to prevent spoilage while maintaining moisture within the meat, resulting in a tender texture.

Jerky preparation, however, traditionally sees the meat sliced thinner and then either oven-dried or smoked at low temperatures. This process dehydrates the meat more thoroughly, producing a drier and often tougher texture. Smaller slices are used for faster drying, which is efficient but impacts the final moisture content of the jerky, making it significantly different from the thicker, juicier cuts of biltong.

Each offers a unique taste and textural experience influenced by their ingredients and preparation methods, catering to diverse dietary preferences and culinary traditions across the globe.

How to Choose the Best Biltong

Choosing the best biltong involves knowing what key factors contribute to quality and taste. Given biltong's rich heritage and its nutritional benefits, selecting the right product not only enhances enjoyment but also supports a healthier snack choice.

Packaging and Brand

When selecting biltong, the brand and packaging play pivotal roles in determining its quality. Brands with a strong heritage in South Africa often deliver a more authentic experience, adhering closely to traditional recipes and methods. Look for packaging that seals tightness; it preserves the freshness and prevents any contamination or moisture from compromising the biltong's quality. Reputable brands, such as those featured on platforms like https://southafricanshop.uk/collections/biltong, often provide clear information on the source of the meat and the ingredients used, which can be a testament to the product's quality and authenticity.

Freshness and Flavour

Freshness is crucial for enjoying the full flavour profile of biltong. A fresh batch will typically boast a tender texture and a robust flavour, enhanced by the marination process. To ensure you're choosing the freshest biltong, check the packaging date and opt for products that have been packaged recently. Additionally, flavour variations can include different spices and marinating times. Depending on personal preference, you might choose a classic spicy flavour or a milder, herb-infused option. High-quality vendors, like those listed on https://southafricanshop.uk/collections/biltong, ensure that the flavour and freshness are prioritized, offering a sensory experience that’s both rich and satisfying.

Selecting the best biltangentails attention to these details, guaranteeing not only a delightful snack but also one that complements a health-conscious lifestyle.

Storing and Serving Suggestions

Once you've chosen the ideal biltong, knowing how to store and serve it maximises its flavour and longevity. Proper storage and creative serving methods turn this South African delicacy into an unforgettable treat.

Storage Tips

Biltong's preservation depends significantly on storage conditions. To ensure your biltong maintains its freshness and texture, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Moisture is biltong's enemy, so keeping it dry is crucial. Airtight containers or sealed bags are perfect for this purpose, especially if you live in a humid climate. If you prefer your biltong a bit more on the dry side, leaving it in a paper bag allows air circulation while absorbing excess moisture. For longer-term storage, biltong can be kept in the refrigerator, but it's best consumed within a few weeks to enjoy its optimal taste and texture.

Serving Ideas

Biltong is incredibly versatile, making it ideal for various culinary uses beyond snacking straight from the pack. Sliced thinly, biltong adds a savoury, umami-rich flavour to salads, giving a protein boost that complements fresh greens like arugula or spinach. It also works wonderfully as a topping on pizzas or baked into savoury muffins, where its robust flavour enhances other ingredients. For a simple yet sophisticated appetiser, pair biltong slices with chunks of cheese, such as mature cheddar or gouda, and serve alongside a selection of crackers and fresh fruit like apples or pears. This combination balances the biltong's richness with the freshness and sweetness of the fruit, creating a delightful contrast in flavours.


We've explored the unique world of biltong—a delightful South African treat that's not only packed with protein but also versatile in its use. Whether you're following a specific diet or simply looking for a nutritious snack biltong stands out as a superior choice. Remember the key to enjoying the best biltong experience lies in selecting a quality product and storing it correctly. So why not give biltong a try and discover the various ways you can incorporate it into your meals? It's sure to add an exciting twist to your culinary adventures.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is biltong?

Biltong is a dried, cured meat snack originating from South Africa. It is known for its high protein content and is popular among those following dietary trends like the keto diet.

How does biltont differ from jerky?

Biltong differs from jerky mainly in its preparation and ingredients. While jerky is typically marinated and smoked, biltong is cured with vinegar and spices and air-dried, resulting in a distinct texture and flavour profile.

What should you consider when choosing the best biltong?

When selecting the best biltong, consider the brand reputation, packaging quality, freshness, and flavour variations. High-quality biltong should have clear ingredient labeling and secure packaging to ensure freshness.

How should biltong be stored?

To maintain its freshness and texture, biltong should be stored in a cool, dry place away from moisture. Proper storage is key to preserving its quality and extending its shelf life.

What are some creative ways to serve biltong?

Biltong can be enjoyed in various creative ways beyond snacking. It can be sliced into salads, added to pizzas, baked into muffins, or served as an appetiser paired with cheese, crackers, and fruit for a delightful contrast in flavours.

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